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I want to marry you cos you chauffer me around cos you know how much I hate driving even though you are tired.

to me, driving has gotta be the worst activity ever. haha. Donald begs to differ I think. He thinks that driving gives you that freedom to go wherever you want, within the own comforts of your car. I, on the other hand, think that driving is the most stressful activity ever.

The pressure! Argh. Seriously, I get pressured when I see the car behind me coming too close. I panic. I fumble. When there are many cars on the road, I get stressed, cos I have to think about changing lanes, checking the blind spot, and then quickly swerving into the next lane.

Too many mental processes for one movement. *laugh* it doesn’t help that I have an attention span of a gnat. I like daydreaming, not spending all my attention on one thing.

Well, at least I’m getting better now. I’m actually dropping Donald off at the train station, and then picking him up. Maybe when I’m a little more confident, I’ll actually drop him off at his workplace. haha.

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