Tag Archives: Oliver

water water everywhere

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rooftop waterpark @ Tampines1

rooftop waterpark @ Tampines1

obviously I must have been a little crazy to suggest to D that we take the boys to the waterpark.

well, Ollie and I had a pretty good day on Monday. I cooked early, we went to the library where he cooperated and had a pretty good nap in the arvo. So…why not the waterpark?

Backtrack a little, about the library thing. When we got to children’s floor in the library, I set the monster loose and told him to choose a book that we would read together. He randomly picked a book from the many shelves, and it turned out to be quite an interesting book which he thoroughly enjoyed. It is called Hello, Doctor
We borrowed the book home and we’ve been looking at it from so many different angles since. Maybe letting the monster choose a book is the way to go at the library. At least the choice will be absolutely random and it will force this mummy of his to be more open to the types of books that will attract Ollie.

So going back to the waterpark. I was trying to figure out how I was going to handle Ollie and QT at the same time and which stroller to bring along. The thing about living so near to a waterpark meant that I wanted to travel with as little items as possible and with more ease. Funny how I would be more willing to take the bulkier stroller with me if I was to be travelling further, say maybe town. Cos at least Ollie can sleep in the stroller and I can hang stuff on the stroller as well. Oh the logistical nightmare.

Finally settled on the lightweight stroller (easy for me to lift and chase a runaway toddler) and a backpack. And off we went on the adventure.

We got there a little earlier than D & E, and we had the entire waterpark to ourselves. Time to see how Ollie would react to unbridled freedom, well, almost unbridled. Me? I merely sat on a bench, with QT lying next to me and yelled instructions to Ollie.

QT tanning

QT tanning

It was interesting to just let Ollie go like this. And it seemed that despite giving him the freedom to run around and explore, he seemed to have boundaries. He did not wander too far, or if it seemed like he did, he would turn around and looked at me for affirmation or assurance. If I yelled at him to not jump into the wading pool for the fear of him slipping and hitting his head, he would oblige. It appeared that he would always make sure I was in sight. He would run off, do something and then also occasionally run back to me to tell me what he did.

What, too much freedom worries you, Ollie? Hehe.

D & E came along and then the two boys went mad. Going on slides, running amok, climbing up the see-saw that was a little too high for them, and barely making it sway up and down cos they were too light. Hahaha. All too funny.

pool buddies

pool buddies.

Waterparks have been a major thing for Ollie ever since we brought him to one. It has been surprising to me that more waterparks have popped up around in Singapore, and at malls no less. Seems like malls are now trying to cater to families and make it a one stop entertainment place. No complaints here! Plus it being free is a major bonus (apart from the one I know that is in Sentosa).

You can find waterparks at these:

Changi City Point
Tampines One
Gardens By the Bay

Category: Daily, Interests, Kids | Tags: , ,


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恒. Part of Ollie’s Chinese name. It means determined.

It could also mean stubborn. Haha.

This little boy has lived up to his name. He is persistent in what he is doing, and never have we told him to give up, but to just try his best. And that if he still can’t do it, both mummy and daddy will be there to give him a hand. He knows that, and we are glad for that.

But no one told me fearless is his ninja name. *roll eyes* I tried it once when he was slightly over a year old. He refused to hold my hand and in typical Asian mother fashion, I told him, fine, go. Mummy’s leaving and you can stay here all by yourself. He took off and never looked back. *groan* Cue mummy leaving the stroller aside and  running after him.

Donald and I have labelled him the “runaway potential kid”. Yep. I foresee many tumulus periods in his teenage years. Just like mine. Hahaha. Ohhh Ollie, you are definitely mummy’s boy. Karma’s back to bite me in the butt.

So same thing happened today. I took Ollie to the playground to let him run around a little. Post playground session on the way home, he was being cheeky (in a negative way), smacked poor QT in the face (again) and refused to walk properly. And I said pretty much the same thing, fine go. If you don’t wanna walk, you can sit here all by yourself. And off he went.

And never looked back. Not once. He ran back to the playground.

I stood from afar and watched him. I recounted what I saw to Donald later that evening. It was as though he was hit with a wave of recklessness. When we first got to the playground, he was cautious about climbing a curved ladder.

cautious Ollie on the curved ladder

cautious Ollie on the curved ladder

“Ollie want to climb ladder. But Ollie cannot climb so high. Wait Ollie fall down.”

Post reproach. He climbed up to a level that he was comfortable with, sat ASTRIDE on one of the railings, before swinging his leg over and sitting on the same bar, holding on with only ONE arm, and then casually sliding himself down.

FML. Where did this streak of daredevilledness come from?? (sigh..probably me. Says the 4yo me who wanted to go on the viking.)

On one hand, when he is in a good mood, he would look out for me and suddenly go “Where’s mummy?”. And then when he is a crappy mood, there’s this recklessness. Right.

worse than watching action-packed movie

worse than watching action-packed movie

As I watched Ollie slowly figure his way up on these steps, I could feel my insides clench up. And it took a while to actually unclench even though after I got home. I figured, this might be the kind of fear mum’s experience as they watch their child do something somewhat dangerous.

Or it could be just my period. damn you, period!! Breastfeeding has faaaailed me *wails*

/end drama

PS. I know I shouldn’t do the whole “I’m-going-to-leave-you-here” thing. When you’re level 9000 Asian, you try to NOT say that. It is ingrained in you. Haha.

Category: Daily, Kids, Parenting | Tags:

watching Ollie

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lunch @ maccas

lunch @ maccas

can a mother beam more with pride?

we had lunch together at McDonald’s today. he got out of the stroller, climbed up the highchair, got in (tho he needed help to sort out his legs), then proceeded to poke the straw into his drink, eat the nuggets, scoop the corn, managing his lunch his way. I was absolutely hands off and could eat my lunch without having to bother about him except to offer him a wipe for his hands.

I stared and watched him eat his lunch. And I got a wee tinsy bit emotional. He had this “mom, I got this” look on his way. Oh and he randomly calls me “mom”.

Category: Kids | Tags: